48 Fun & Unique Things to Do in Venice, Italy | 2024 (with Photos)

Rosalia Ignatova

Rosalia Ignatova - Travel Writer

Published: February 13, 2024

Hey there! I'm Rose, an avid traveler with a passion for exploring hidden gems in various destinations. Discover the beauty and intriguing activities of Venice through my curated list of recommendations.

Fun & Unique Things to Do in Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy, is a city that captures the imagination of travelers from around the world. With its beautiful canals and rich cultural heritage, it's no wonder that Venice is a popular tourist destination.

Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a solo adventure, Italy's Floating City has something to offer everyone.

In this article, the Travel-Lingual team compiled a list of 48 exciting and fun things to do in Venice

From taking a gondola ride through the canals to exploring the colorful island of Burano, you're sure to find plenty of inspiration for your trip to this magical city.

Most Recommended Thing to Do

Our Top Choice Restaurant

Our Top Choice Bar for Nightlife

Average Temperature

Mild winters and hot summers in Venice, Italy.

Transportation Options

Gondolas, water taxis, vaporettos, walking, bicycles, buses.

Average Cost ($, $$, $$$)


My Top Recommendation

Lose yourself in the maze of narrow streets and ancient bridges, each corner revealing a new treasure trove of Venetian architecture and culture. Glide along the shimmering waterways on a gondola ride, serenaded by the melodies of the gondoliers, and marvel at the opulence of St. Mark's Basilica and the Doge's Palace.

Explore the vibrant markets of Rialto, where the scent of fresh seafood and exotic spices fills the air, and savor the flavors of Venetian cuisine in charming trattorias overlooking the Grand Canal. With its timeless beauty and irresistible charm, Venice is a destination that will capture your heart and leave you spellbound.

What You'll Need to Bring

  1. Valid passport
  2. Comfortable walking shoes
  3. Lightweight and breathable clothing

What Not to Miss

  1. Venice Carnival
  2. St. Mark's Square and Basilica
  3. Rialto Bridge and Grand Canal
  4. Doge's Palace
  5. Burano Island

What to Avoid

  1. Overcrowded tourist areas
  2. Overpriced gondola rides
  3. Eating at tourist trap restaurants

1. Take a gondola ride through the canals

gondola ride

A gondola ride through the canals of Venice is one of the most iconic experiences visitors can have in the city. Gondolas are traditional Venetian boats, handcrafted by skilled artisans, and the canals are the city's main arteries.

A gondola ride offers a unique perspective on the city and a chance to appreciate its beauty and charm. Passengers can admire the colorful buildings and enjoy the music of the gondoliers as they serenade their passengers.

2. Walk across the Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge

The Rialto Bridge, or Ponte di Rialto, is an iconic landmark in Venice. Spanning the Grand Canal, this historic bridge connects the San Marco and San Polo districts and offers breathtaking views of the city.

The bridge was first built in the late 16th century, replacing a wooden bridge that had been in place since the 12th century. Today, it is one of the busiest pedestrian areas in Venice. At night, the bridge is illuminated by soft lights, creating a romantic and magical atmosphere.

3. Visit St. Mark's Basilica

St. Mark's Basilica

St. Mark's Basilica is a magnificent masterpiece and the architectural focal point of Venice. The basilica has been an important religious site for over a thousand years and remains one of the most important religious buildings in Northern Italy.

The exterior of St. Mark's Basilica is an impressive display of Byzantine architecture, featuring five large domes and intricate stone carvings. The Pala d'Oro, a dazzling gold altar screen inside, studded with precious gems, is also a must-see.

4. Explore Doge's Palace

Doge's Palace

Doge's Palace, also known as Palazzo Ducale, is a magnificent palace located in St. Mark's Square in Venice. This historic building served as the residence of the Doge of Venice, the highest authority in the Venetian Republic

Doge's Palace is home to a vast collection of artwork, including frescoes, paintings, and sculptures. You can also explore the beautiful courtyards, admire the stunning views of the lagoon from the balcony, and cross the famous Bridge of Sighs.

5. Visit the Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is a world-renowned museum in the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, which was once the home of Peggy Guggenheim, a passionate art collector and socialite.

The remarkable collection of modern art features works by some of the most significant artists of the 20th century, including Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dali, and Pablo Picasso. You can also enjoy the beautiful gardens and stunning views of the Grand Canal from the terrace.

Accademia Gallery

The Accademia Gallery is a world-renowned museum in the heart of Venice, showcasing a vast collection of Venetian art from the 14th to the 18th centuries, including masterpieces Titian, Tintoretto, and Veronese.

Visitors can admire the collection of stunning paintings, sculptures, and drawings, and learn about the evolution of Venetian art through the centuries. The museum's beautiful setting in the Scuola Grande di Santa Maria della Carità, a former religious brotherhood house, adds to its charm and elegance.

7. Take a day trip to Burano


The island of Burano is a small, picturesque island located in the Venetian Lagoon. This charming island is known for its brightly colored houses and quaint canals, making it a perfect place to explore on a day trip.

Burano is also famous for its traditional lace-making industry, and visitors can admire the intricate lacework and purchase handmade lace products from local artisans. The island is also home to a range of restaurants serving traditional Venetian seafood dishes.

8. See the Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs

The Bridge of Sighs, spanning the Rio di Palazzo, connects the Doge's Palace to the prison and was named after the sighs of prisoners who, as they crossed the bridge, caught their last glimpse of the outside world before being incarcerated.

The bridge's stunning Baroque architecture and intricate stone carvings make it a popular spot for photography, and visitors can enjoy a beautiful view of the lagoon from the bridge's windows. The Bridge of Sighs is not only a fascinating historical site but also a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

9. Visit the Leonardo da Vinci Museum

Leonardo da Vinci Museum

The Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Venice houses an impressive collection of models and reproductions of da Vinci's famous machines, including flying machines, war machines, and hydraulic pumps, among others.

The museum features interactive exhibits that allow visitors to experience and understand the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci through models, prototypes, and multimedia installations. Visitors can also view digital reproductions of Leonardo's paintings and drawings, including the famous "Last Supper."

10. Take a boat ride along Grand Canal

Grand Canal

The Grand Canal in Venice is the main waterway that runs through the heart of the city, lined with stunning palaces, and churches. A visit to the Grand Canal is a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and grandeur of Venice from the water.

Along the ride, you can enjoy the views of iconic landmarks such as the Rialto Bridge, the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, and the Palazzo Barbarigo, so add a Grand Canal tour to your Venetian bucket list, whether by water taxi, motorboat, gondola ride, or dinner cruise.

11. Admire Basilica Di Santa Maria Della Salute

Basilica Di Santa Maria Della Salute

The Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, located at the entrance of the Grand Canal, is a Baroque masterpiece built in the 17th century as a dedication to the Virgin Mary for the city's deliverance from the plague.

The church's majestic dome, ornate decorations, and numerous artworks make it a must-see attraction for anyone visiting Venice. Inside the Basilica di Santa Maria Della Salute, you can admire works by Titian, Tintoretto, and Palma il Giovane.

12. Wander around San Marco Square

San Marco Square

San Marco Square, or Piazza San Marco, is the heart of Venice and one of the most famous public spaces in the world. It is surrounded by some of the city's most significant landmarks, including the stunning St. Mark's Basilica, the Doge's Palace, and the Campanile Bell Tower.

A visit to the square offers a unique opportunity to experience the city's rich cultural heritage, admire the stunning architecture, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. Piazza San Marco is a hub of activity, with street performers, cafes, and luxury shops lining the area.

13. See the views from the San Marco bell tower

views from the San Marco bell tower

The San Marco Bell Tower, also known as the San Marco Campanile, is an iconic symbol of Venice located in the Piazza San Marco. The tower stands at 98.6 meters tall and provides breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding lagoon.

Originally built in the 9th century as a watchtower, it was reconstructed in the early 20th century after collapsing in 1902. Visitors can take a lift or climb the 300 steps to the top to enjoy panoramic views of the city, including the Doge's Palace, and the Grand Canal.

14. Join a walking tour to the hidden spots

Venice Free Walking Tour

A guided walking tour is an excellent way to explore Venice. The guided tour takes you through the narrow alleys, winding canals, and hidden squares of the city to reveal facts about Venetian history, culture, and the local way of life.

Professional guides lead the walking tour and share fascinating stories about landmarks, such as St. Mark's Square, the Rialto Bridge, and the Doge's Palace. Walking tours are also a great way to discover hidden gems such as local artisan shops, hidden courtyards, and quaint cafes.

15. Try local treats at the Rialto Market

Rialto Market

The Rialto Market is a bustling outdoor market in the heart of Venice, near the Rialto Bridge. This historic market has been in operation for over 700 years and is a must-visit destination for foodies and those interested in traditional Venetian cuisine.

You can browse the market's stalls, which are filled with an array of fresh seafood, fruits, vegetables, and spices, and enjoy the lively atmosphere. The market is also home to several small restaurants and cafes serving traditional Venetian dishes.

16. Visit the Venice Lace Museum

Venice Lace Museum

The Venice Lace Museum, located in the historic palace of Palazzo Zaccaria, showcases the city's rich tradition of lace-making, which dates back to the 15th century when Venice was renowned for its lace-making industry.

You can admire lace garments and decorative items from different eras, including 16th-century Renaissance lace, 18th-century Rococo lace, and 20th-century Art Nouveau lace. The palace which houses the museum is a work of art in itself, with its elegant architecture, frescoes, and furnishings.

17. Climb the spiral staircase at the Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo

Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo

The Scala Contarini del Bovolo, also known as ''the spiral staircase'', is one of Venice's hidden gems, located just a few steps away from the bustling Rialto Bridge. You can climb the staircase to the top to enjoy panoramic views of Venice's rooftops and the surrounding area.

The staircase is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture, with its distinctive spiral shape and intricate design. It was built in the late 15th century for the Contarini family and was once part of a grand palace.

18. Visit the Murano Glass Museum

Murano Glass Museum

The Murano Glass Museum is located on the island of Murano in the Venetian Lagoon. It is dedicated to showcasing the rich history and tradition of glass-making in Venice, which dates back to the 13th century.

The museum's collection includes examples of Venetian glass from ancient Roman times to the present day, showcasing the evolution of the craft over the centuries. You can see intricate glass sculptures, chandeliers, and exquisite glassware. You can also watch live demonstrations of glassblowing by skilled artisans.

19. Attend a performance at La Fenice opera house

Teatro La Fenice

La Fenice is one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world, located in the heart of Venice. The theater was first built in 1792 but has been destroyed by fire and rebuilt twice since then, with the latest reconstruction completed in 2003.

The theater has hosted some of the most famous operas of all time, including productions of Verdi's "La Traviata" and "Rigoletto", and Rossini's "The Barber of Seville". A visit to La Fenice offers a unique opportunity to experience the grandeur of Italian opera and witness some of the most talented performers in the world.

20. Visit the Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

The Scuola Grande di San Rocco in the San Polo district of Venice is a magnificent building and home to a collection of paintings by the Venetian master Tintoretto, who spent much of his life working on the building's decoration.

The interior of the Scuola is adorned with over 60 of Tintoretto's masterpieces, which are some of the most important works of art in Venice. The Scuola also features intricate woodcarvings, frescoes, and other decorations that make it one of the most visually stunning buildings in the city.

21. Explore the Ca' Pesaro Modern Art Museum

Ca' Pesaro Modern Art Museum

Ca' Pesaro Modern Art Museum ****is one of the most important art museums in Venice, dedicated to modern and contemporary art. It is located in a beautiful palace along the Grand Canal, and it features artists such as Gustav Klimt, Wassily Kandinsky, and Marc Chagall.

The museum's permanent collection covers various art movements, including Futurism, Expressionism, and Abstract Art, and it also hosts temporary exhibitions throughout the year. Visitors to the museum can enjoy the stunning architecture of the palace and appreciate the vast array of artwork on display.

22. Visit the Biblioteca Marciana

Biblioteca Marciana

The Biblioteca Marciana, or the National Library of St. Mark's, is one of the most important libraries in Italy, located in the magnificent St. Mark's Square in Venice. It was established in the 16th century and contains books, manuscripts, and maps dating back to ancient times.

The library houses a vast collection of books, manuscripts, and rare documents, including the famous Codex Marcianus, an ancient manuscript of the Iliad by Homer. You can also find works by famous Italian writers such as Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio, as well as rare manuscripts and early printed books.

23. Visit the Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia

Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia

The Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia, or Natural History Museum of Venice, is located in the beautiful Santa Croce district of the city. The museum is housed in an ancient 13th-century palace and is home to a vast collection of specimens from the natural world.

You can see fossils, minerals, plants, and animals from around the world, as well as interactive exhibits that explore the diversity of life on Earth. Visitors can learn about the geology of Venice, the biodiversity of the Venetian lagoon, and the evolution of species over time.

24. Take a trip to San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore

A trip to San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice is a must-visit for anyone traveling to the city. This small island is located across the Grand Canal from St. Mark's Square and is easily accessible by Vaporetto or water taxi.

The island is home to the stunning San Giorgio Maggiore Church, designed by Andrea Palladio, which is considered one of the best examples of Renaissance architecture in Venice. You can also climb the church's bell tower for stunning panoramic views of Venice's skyline.

25. Take a carnival mask-making class in Venice

carnival mask-making class

The Carnival of Venice is famous for its elaborate costumes and masks, and taking a mask-making class provides a unique opportunity to learn about the art and history of these stunning creations.

You will learn traditional techniques for creating Venetian masks, including painting and decorating with feathers, beads, and other embellishments. The classes are typically led by experienced artisans who will guide participants through the process of making their own unique masks.

26. Visit the Palazzo delle Prigioni

Palazzo delle Prigioni

Palazzo delle Prigioni, also known as the Prisons' Palace, is an impressive building designed by the famous architect Antonio Da Ponte in the 16th century, which served as a prison for over 300 years.

Today, it has been transformed into a cultural center and museum that offers a fascinating glimpse into the history of crime and punishment in Venice. The palace features a variety of exhibits, including original prison cells, ancient instruments of torture, and artwork created by former inmates.

27. Explore nearby Lido Island

Lido di Venezia

Lido Island is a charming destination located just a short ferry ride away from Venice, Italy. This picturesque island is famous for its beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and stunning architecture.

You can stroll along the picturesque streets lined with colorful buildings and sample delicious local cuisine at one of the many cafes and restaurants. Lido Island is also home to the Venice Film Festival, which draws celebrities and film enthusiasts from all over the world.

28. Visit the Querini Stampalia Foundation

Querini Stampalia Foundation

The Querini Stampalia Foundation, established in the 16th century by the noble Querini family, is housed in an elegant palace and boasts a vast collection of art, books, and antique furniture that tell the story of Venice and its rich cultural heritage.

The extensive collection of antique furniture offers a glimpse into the lavish lifestyle of Venice's aristocratic families. Visitors can marvel at the intricacy of these pieces, which have been carefully restored to their former glory.

29. Stop by the Basilica dei Frari

Basilica dei Frari

The Basilica dei Frari, also known as the Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, is one of the most important churches in Venice and a truly magnificent example of Venetian Gothic architecture.

The church's stunning interior is adorned with works of art by some of the most prominent artists of the Renaissance, including Titian and Bellini. The church also houses an impressive collection of artwork, including sculptures, paintings, and religious artifacts, many of which are masterpieces of Renaissance art.

30. Check out the Canareggio district

Canareggio district

The Cannaregio district is one of the six historic districts of Venice, Italy, located in the northern part of the city. It is a charming neighborhood that offers a different perspective of Venice away from the typical tourist routes.

Visitors can explore its narrow streets and historic buildings, including the Jewish Ghetto, which is the oldest ghetto in Europe, and the Jewish Museum of Venice. The district is also home to the famous Strada Nova, a lively street that connects the Rialto Bridge and the train station.

31. Explore the amazing Castello District

Castello District

The Castello district is one of the six sestieri, or neighborhoods, of Venice, Italy. It is the largest and most diverse district in the city, where you can discover hidden gems, such as local markets, traditional bakeries, and small artisan shops.

The district also boasts the Giardini della Biennale, which hosts the prestigious Venice Biennale art festival every two years. You can also explore the Church of San Zaccaria, the Naval History Museum, and the Church of San Pietro di Castello.

32. Have coffee at the historic Caffè Florian

Caffè Florian

Caffè Florian is a historic coffee house founded in 1720. It is one of the oldest coffee houses in the world and has a rich cultural heritage that attracts visitors from all over the globe. It also features live music performances throughout the day.

With its prime location in St. Mark's Square, it has served as a meeting place for many famous writers, artists, and musicians over the years, including Casanova, Goethe, and Wagner. At Caffè Florian you can enjoy a cup of coffee with delicious pastries and snacks while taking in the beautiful surroundings.

33. Visit the Palazzo Grassi

Palazzo Grassi

Palazzo Grassi is an art museum located in Venice, along the Grand Canal, which showcases contemporary art exhibitions. The museum is housed in a beautiful 18th-century palace that boasts stunning architecture and intricate interiors.

The museum's collection includes works by artists such as Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, and Takashi Murakami. It is a must-visit destination for art lovers and anyone looking to experience the cultural richness of Venice.

34. See the views from the Torre dell'Orologio

views from the Torre dell'Orologio

The Torre dell'Orologio, also known as the Clock Tower, is a prominent landmark located in St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy. The tower dates back to the 15th century and is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture.

Visitors can climb to the top of the tower and enjoy panoramic views of Venice, including St. Mark's Square and the surrounding area. The tower is also home to a beautiful clock that displays the time, phase of the moon, and zodiac sign.

35. Visit the Museo Correr

Museo Correr

The Museo Correr is an art museum located in St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy. It is housed in the historic Procuratie Nuove building, which was once the residence of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph.

The museum showcases an extensive collection of Venetian art and artifacts, including paintings, sculptures, and historical objects. Visitors can explore the rich history and culture of Venice through the museum's exhibits, which cover topics such as the city's maritime heritage, political history, and artistic traditions.

36. Visit the Palazzo Barbarigo

Palazzo Barbarigo

Palazzo Barbarigo is a stunning palace located on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy. The palace was built in the 16th century and is known for its beautiful Baroque architecture and lavish decorations.

Visitors can admire the palace's rich interiors, including the famous Hall of Mirrors, and see the famous 17th-century painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, which covers an entire wall of the ballroom. Visitors can also enjoy panoramic views of the Grand Canal from the palace's terraces.

37. Visit the Ca' d'Oro

Ca' d'Oro

Ca' d'Oro, also known as the Palazzo Santa Sofia, is a beautiful palace located on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy. The palace was built in the 15th century and is a magnificent example of Venetian Gothic architecture.

The palace is now a museum that showcases an impressive collection of Renaissance art, including works by Bellini, Carpaccio, and Mantegna. Visitors can admire the exquisite interiors, including the famous staircase, and take in the breathtaking views of the Grand Canal.

38. Go shopping for souvenirs in the Mercerie


The Mercerie is one of the most famous shopping streets in Venice. It runs from Piazza San Marco to the Rialto Bridge and is lined with elegant shops and boutiques selling everything from Murano glassware to high-end fashion brands.

Originally, the Mercerie was the commercial heart of Venice, where merchants sold spices, textiles, and precious metals. Today, it is a popular shopping destination for both locals and tourists alike. You can also admire the beautiful architecture and soak up the bustling atmosphere of this historic street.

39. See the Ca' Rezzonico Museum

Ca' Rezzonico museum

Housed in a beautifully restored 18th-century palace on the Grand Canal, the Ca' Rezzonico museum showcases a stunning collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative art from the 18th century.

Visitors can explore the lavish interiors of the palace, which have been painstakingly restored to their original splendor, and admire works by renowned artists such as Giambattista Tiepolo, Francesco Guardi, and Canaletto.

40. See the Palazzo Fortuny Museum

Palazzo Fortuny Museum

The Palazzo Fortuny is a museum located in the heart of Venice that is dedicated to the life and work of Mariano Fortuny, a famous Spanish designer, and artist who lived in Venice in the early 20th century.

The museum is housed in a beautiful Gothic palace that was once Fortuny's workshop and home. The museum's collection includes many of Fortuny's luxurious textiles, intricate lighting fixtures, and innovative stage designs, as well as paintings and sculptures by other artists.

41. Visit the Casa di Desdemona

Casa di Desdemona

Casa di Desdemona is a historic house located in the heart of Verona, Italy. It is believed to be the former residence of Desdemona, the tragic heroine of William Shakespeare's play "Othello."

The house has been carefully restored to reflect the architecture and interior design of the 16th century. Visitors can explore the rooms and learn about the life and times of Desdemona through informative displays and exhibits.

42. Visit the Museo Storico Navale di Venezia

Museo Storico Navale di Venezia

The Museo Storico Navale di Venezia, or the Naval History Museum of Venice, is a fascinating museum located in the Arsenale, the historic shipyard of Venice, the museum is home to a vast collection of maritime artifacts.

You can see ship models, and navigational instruments, and learn about the development of Venetian naval power and its role in the Mediterranean world. The museum also showcases the intricate craftsmanship of Venetian shipbuilders and their contributions to naval technology.

43. Visit the Casa dei Tre Oci

Casa dei Tre Oci

The Casa dei Tre Oci in Venice is a magnificent exhibition space dedicated to photography and visual arts. This stunning neo-Gothic building houses works of internationally renowned photographers and artists.

The museum's name "Casa dei Tre Oci," meaning "House of Three Eyes," is derived from the building's distinctive tripartite Gothic window, which resembles three eyes. The museum offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore contemporary art and photography in a stunning historic setting.

44. Walk through the Fondamenta Zattere

Fondamenta Zattere

Fondamenta Zattere is a scenic promenade located along the southern coast of Venice. The name "Zattere" originates from the wooden rafts (zattere) used to transport goods that were once anchored along the canal.

Today, the area is a popular destination for both locals and tourists due to its stunning views of the Giudecca Canal, colorful houses, and vibrant nightlife. You can take a leisurely stroll along the Fondamenta Zattere and enjoy a cup of coffee or a glass of wine at one of the many cafes.

45. Ride a Motoscafi

Murano Motoscafi

Riding a motoscafi (water taxi) in Venice is a unique and exciting experience that offers a different perspective on the city compared to the more traditional Vaporetto (water bus).

Generally, motoscafi are more expensive than the Vaporetto (about €100 for up to five people to or from the Marco Polo Airport), but they offer a more luxurious and personalized experience. The Vaporetto costs just a few euros but can be crowded during peak hours.

46. Join a Mysteries of Venice tour

Venice Tours

A Mysteries of Venice tour is a unique way to discover the city's dark history. You stroll past the many haunted palaces in the city and learn about the secret societies and cults that once thrived in Venice's shadows.

The tour typically includes stops at eerie landmarks such as the Venetian prisons, where infamous criminals were once held, and the Bridge of Sighs, where prisoners were said to have taken their last breaths before being executed.

47. Stop by the San Simeon Piccolo Church

San Simeon Piccolo Church

San Simeon Piccolo is a stunning church located in the Santa Croce district, just a few minutes walk from the train station. The church was built in the 15th century and features a beautiful façade adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures.

The interior is equally impressive, with a stunning altarpiece, ornate chapels, and impressive frescoes by renowned Venetian artists. San Simeon Piccolo is a must-visit destination for those interested in the history and art of Venice, as it is considered one of the city's hidden gems.

48. Take a day trip to Torcello Island

Torcello Island

Torcello is a small island in the northern part of the Venetian Lagoon, far removed from the hustle and bustle of Venice. Visitors can take a Vaporetto from Venice to Torcello and enjoy the scenic ride through the lagoon.

Once on the island, you can explore the Byzantine Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, which features stunning mosaics dating back to the 11th century, and the Church of Santa Fosca, a beautiful example of Venetian Romanesque architecture.

Let's explore some FAQs related to the 65 Exciting Things to Do in Venice, Italy

How can I have fun in Venice, Italy?

Venice offers a plethora of fun activities for tourists. You can take a guided tour or a gondola ride through the canals, visit famous landmarks on the main island, such as the Rialto Bridge and St. Mark's Basilica, go on a day trip to the island of Burano, try traditional Venetian cuisine, and attend cultural events like the Venice Biennale.

What not to miss in Venice?

There are several must-see sights in Venice that you should not miss. These include St. Mark's Basilica, Piazza San Marco, Doges Palace, the Rialto Bridge, the Grand Canal, and the colorful island of Burano.

Additionally, taking a romantic gondola ride through the canals of Venice or joining one of the walking tours can be another experience for you to enjoy and get a deeper understanding of the local culture and history.

Is 2 days in Venice enough?

Two days in Venice is enough time to enjoy some of the city's highlights.

You can explore the historic city center, take a gondola ride through the canals, visit St. Mark's Basilica and Doge Palace, see the views from St Mark's Campanile, and enjoy some of the city's delicious cuisine.

If you have more time, you can take a water taxi and explore other islands (San Giorgio Maggiore, Burano, Murano, and more) to get a deeper understanding of the local culture and history when visiting Venice.

What is Venice Italy best known for?

Venice is best known for its beautiful canals, stunning architecture, and rich cultural heritage. The city is famous for its art and music, including the Biennale art exhibition and the Carnival of Venice.

Additionally, Venice is renowned for its traditional Venetian cuisine, which includes seafood dishes and a variety of local wines.

What is the best time to visit Venice?

The best time to visit Venice depends on personal preference. The peak tourist season is from June to August when the weather is warm, but during the busy summer months, the city is crowded and expensive.

Spring (April to May) and fall (September to November) are ideal for mild weather and fewer crowds, but there may be occasional rain.

Winter (December to February) offers the lowest prices and smaller tourist crowds, but the weather can be cold, and some attractions may be closed.

Summing Up: Fun Things to Do in Venice

Venice is a city full of wonders and offers a variety of exciting and fun things to do. 

From visiting iconic landmarks like Piazza San Marco, St. Mark's Basilica, Rialto Market, and Doges Palace to exploring the city's canals by water taxi or the famous gondola rides and watching glassblowers at work on Murano Island, there is something for everyone.

Whether you are interested in art and history or simply want to experience a slice of Venetian life, a visit to Venice is truly an unforgettable experience. So book your trip today and visit Venice to explore this captivating city for yourself!